A spinning cog CoG 2021

3rd IEEE Conference on Games

17–20 AUG IT University of Copenhagen (virtual)

June 29th: The final decision for auxiliary papers have been finally communicated to all authors. To accommodate for the delayed notification, we have postponed the deadline for camera-ready submission and speaker registration to July the 5th at midnight anywhere on earth.

May 28th: Registrations are open! please check the registration section for all the details and the link to the registration page.

May 27th: As submissions to the auxiliary tracks keep on coming in, we are turning the 250 submissions milestone. One behalf of the whole organising committee, I would like to thank you all for the overwhelming interest and the great submissions.

To both facilitate the flow of submissions and ensure the quality of the review process, we decided to adjust the upcoming deadlines as follows:

  • May 31st: Auxiliary tracks submission deadline
  • June 21st: Auxiliary tracks notification of acceptance
  • July 5th: Camera ready copy deadline and author/speaker registration deadline

Games offer a limitless domain for computational creativity, design, technology, education, social sciences, and artificial intelligence. The annual IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) is a unique forum for cutting-edge research related to game technologies and design, covering scientific, technical, social and human aspects of games.

CoG was expressly launched to reflect the changing nature of games as technology and media; where concerns merge, overlap, and cross-pollinate. Beginning as an evolution of the Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG) and later joined by the International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games), CoG brings together leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, to share recent advances and co-create future directions.

This year’s edition of CoG continues forging the path of attracting an evermore competent and diverse audience. Alongside our traditional types of submission (articles for peer review intended to be included in the conference proceedings), we seek proposals for presentations from both academia and industry in the form of abstracts. Furthermore, it is also possible to apply to present work previously published in the IEEE Transactions on Games journal.

We welcome papers and presentations related to all aspects of Games, including, but not limited to, the following broad subject areas:

AI for Playing Games Analytics, Player Modelling and Player Psychology Artificial Intelligence for Novel Game Interactions Benchmarks and Competitions Game Studies and Game Culture Game Design Game Human Computer Interaction Game Theory and Multi-agent Systems Narrative and Interactive Entertainment Procedural Content Generation and AI for Game Design Applications of Games and Game Technology Virtual and Augmented Reality in Games

In particular, this year, we encourage submissions that span across -- or hybridise -- multiple of these subject areas.



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For all details about the IEEE Student Activity Session, please visit the session webpage

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Important Dates

30% Complete

Jan 15

Tutorial/special session/competition proposal deadline

Apr 16

Full paper submission deadline

May 21

Notification of acceptance

May 31

Abstracts and auxiliary tracks paper submission deadline

Jun 21st

Auxiliary tracks notification of acceptance

Jul 5th

Camera ready copy deadline

Jul 5th

Author/Speaker registration deadline

Aug 17

Conference starts!


We invite submissions for tutorials to be held at IEEE CoG 2021. This is an opportunity for you to share your expertise and influence future research directions in the CoG community. Tutorials can be on any topic in the scope of the conference; we especially encourage tutorials that reflect and respond to this broad scope.

Typically, tutorials are expected to run for 1.5 hours, but longer ones will also be considered. The format may be negotiated through the Tutorial Chairs.

Proposals should include the following information:

  • Title;
  • Duration and logistical requirements;
  • Outline of topic coverage and format of tutorial (less than 400 words in total);
  • List of presenters with contact details and short biographical details (less than 150 words for each presenter);
  • Links to the presenter/organizer web page or the tutorial page (optional).

Proposals should be sent by email to the Tutorial Chairs by January 14th 2021 or sooner. Notification of acceptance will take place by February 12th.

Email proposals and enquiries to both Tutorial Chairs: Jesper Juul (j@jesperjuul.net) and Sebastian Risi (sebr@itu.dk).

The CoG 2021 Organising Committee invites proposals for competitions to be held at the conference. These may be completely new ones or competitions held already in the last years, possibly at other venues. Proposals are due by January 14th 2021, and will be reviewed based on their relevance to the CoG community. Please see the topics covered by the CoG conference. Competitions can be based on well-known games as well, but competitions based on custom-made and lesser-known games are also welcome. The competition needs to define a set of rules and objectives for determining the score of each player.

To submit your proposal, send an email with the title "CoG 2021 Competition Proposal" to the competition chairs Ruck Thawonmas (ruck@is.ritsumei.ac.jp) and Antonios Liapis (antonios.liapis@um.edu.mt).

Please, include the following information with your proposal:

  • Organisers’ names;
  • Competition title;
  • Web address;
  • Description of the competition (about 200 words);
  • Whether the competition will have several tracks or not, and if they should be considered different competitions or a single one.

Additionally, the following item can be submitted with the proposal or later:

  • Video of the competition/tracks (see below).

Please, also note the following:

  1. The IEEE CIS Student Game-Based Competition Sub-Committee (SGBC) has determined, in agreement with the Games TC meeting held at CIG 2017, that all competitions (including all tracks) must provide a short video for entrants. Competitions that do not provide this video will not be accepted at CoG 2021. However, submission of the video is not necessary for the proposal but can be deferred to after provisional acceptance of the competition. This requirement applies to both new and old competitions. The objective of creating these videos is to raise the general quality of our competitions and attract as many participants as possible by providing an easier start with the respective frameworks. The duration of the video is to be decided by the organizers, but it should have (English) subtitles to aid non-native English speakers. The content should demo concepts like how to install the required software packages, write an entry for the competition and submission instructions. The rationale is that if the whole process can be shown in less than 5 minutes, participants will feel more encouraged to participate and prepare a submission for the contest;
  2. We will of course provide certificates for all competitions and we will try to make some price money available, but we also encourage the organizers to look for financial sponsorship to make their competition more attractive;
  3. Competition papers. These are regular papers (up to 8 pages) that describe one or more entries to the competitions that are running at this year’s CIG. Competition papers need to include evaluation of the contribution, including (if possible) results on the same benchmark as that used by the competition, and comparison to other competition entries. Because the problem domain is well-known, these papers can be reviewed faster than regular papers. The same quality standards will apply to competition papers as to regular papers. Competition papers should be submitted by 31st May 2021. The competitions do not need to be accompanied by competition papers; a competition can run even in the absence of any submitted papers.

The IEEE CIS Competitions Subcommittee is actively funding competition prizes of competitions accepted at IEEE CIS conferences. Information about the funding application process is available here

A special session addresses one or more topic areas within games research and is intended to bring together researchers working on those topics to provide an excellent session at the IEEE Conference on Games. Please read the call for papers for CoG 2021 and its list of topics before submitting your special session proposal.

A special session proposal should not be more than two pages, not including the brief biographies of the proposers and the draft call for papers.

Please include the following information with your proposal:

  • Title: the title of the proposal;
  • Description: a description of the topic of the session and its place in games research;
  • Example topics: a bullet list of topics that the session might cover;
  • Justification: a brief explanation making the case that the special session belongs in the conference. An estimate of the number of submissions should be included;
  • Sponsors: a list of researchers proposing the session. At least one must be an IEEE member and all sponsors are expected to serve as reviewers for the papers in the special session. If your session is accepted, you must also provide a list of reviewers sufficient to your expected submissions;
  • Sponsor Biographies: each sponsor should include a brief biography that demonstrates professional excellence and qualification to review for the special session. The bio should include a current e-mail address;
  • Draft Call for Papers: on its own page, a draft call for papers to be used in advertising the special session. The draft call for papers should not fill more than one page.

We welcome papers and presentations related to all aspects of Games and, in particular, this year, we encourage submissions that span across -- or hybridise -- multiple subject areas.

Articles and presentation proposals can be submitted for review through Easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeecog2021

The deadlines and the details for the different types of submission are as follows:

Full papers. Deadline on April 9th 16th 2021 (extended)

Full papers have an 8 page limit (including references and appendices), and should constitute a technical or empirical contribution to scientific, technical, and human aspects of games.

Accepted full papers will be included in the conference proceedings and the conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library.

Short, competition, vision and demo papers. Deadline on May 31st 2021

Short papers (2-4 pages) describe work in progress, smaller projects that are not yet ready to be published as a full paper, or new progress on projects that have been reported elsewhere.

Competition papers (8 pages) describe research related to one of the competitions in the Games community, including the design of new competitions and in particular submissions to existing competitions.

Vision papers (8 pages) describe a vision for the future of the Games field or some part of it, are based on extensive research and include a comprehensive bibliography. Standards for competition papers are as high as for other CoG papers, and standards for vision papers are higher.

Demo papers (2 pages) describe work in progress and will be presented during a demo session.

Short, competition, vision and demo papers, similarly to full papers, will be will be included in the conference proceedings.

Presentation Proposals. Deadline on May 31st 2021

This edition of IEEE CoG welcomes extended abstract submissions by researchers and practitioners to present their research findings. The extended abstract submission is intended to accommodate researchers who want to participate and share their findings at CoG but come from disciplines that traditionally do not publish their work in conference proceedings.

Extended abstracts should be between 750 and 1500 words including references. Works submitted in this format will not be included in the conference proceedings.

Industry talks. Deadline on May 31st 2021

We welcome talk proposals from game industry members related to their work and achievements in areas including, but not limited to, game design, technology, education, artificial and computational intelligence. The proposals can include presentations about research prototypes, commercial products, indie/mobile/AAA games, AR/VR applications, etc., as well as participation in poster sessions and discussion panels. These talk proposals do not require the submission of a written manuscript to be accepted at the conference.

Journal Paper Presentations. Deadline on May 31st 2021

From this year, the IEEE CoG conference will welcome proposals for presentation of articles previously published in the IEEE Transactions on Games journal. For anyone interested in presenting their published work, you will need to submit a copy of the published paper in the appropriate track.

Submission Details
(full, short, competition, vision and demo papers)

All paper submissions should follow the recommended IEEE conference author guidelines. MS Word and LaTeX templates can be found at: https://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html

All submitted papers will be fully peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and on IEEE Xplore. Peer-review is single-blind.

Short papers will be allocated poster presentations and short oral presentations if time and space permits; vision papers will be allocated regular oral presentation slots; competition papers will be allocated short or regular oral presentations. Reviewing standards for competition papers are as high as for regular CoG papers, and standards for vision papers are higher. For the paper submission, authors need to follow this EasyChair link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeecog2021

All page/word limits for all submission types include references and appendices. We plan to invite the principal authors to submit an extended version of their papers to the IEEE Transactions on Games (ToG). More details on this matter will be given later. All deadline times are anywhere on earth.


AI Snakes 2021 Competition

This competition focuses on a variation of the classic Snakes game to provide an entertaining environment of studying and teaching artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques. Snakes is an arcade game in which two players control their respective snakes, attempting to collect the most number of apples while manoeuvring its way to avoid collisions with each other or leaving the board. Participants are requested to submit the implementation of the bot that operates its respective snake, using the API provided and simple specifications. The tournament will happen in a round-robin format, in which two participants play against each other ten times. At each match, snakes capture apples to increase their sizes. After 2 minutes, the longest snake wins; unless your opponent dies before. ;) The champion is the participant whose bot achieves the highest winning ratio among the participants. Snakes game has been designed to facilitate and encourage the use of AI, ML and other advanced computational techniques by first and second-year students in university-level courses of Computer Science.

  • Single track

Luiz Jonata Pires de Araujo, Innopolis University Russia

Joseph Alexander Brown, Innopolis University Russia

Alexandr Grichshenko, Innopolis University Russia

AI Space Invaders 2021 Competition

Space Invaders is a classic arcade game in which the player protects Earth against invading ships by shooting at them and avoiding enemy attacks. In this competition, participants must develop an AI bot that must defeat invaders in the shortest time with fewer shots. Available resources will include JSON files with data that can enable training Machine Learning models. There will be two tracks: (1) the moves of the invaders are cyclical and predictable; (2) movements of invaders are irregular.The source code has been developed and will be made publicly available on GitHub.

  1. Predictable Track
  2. Irregular Track

Luiz Jonata Pires de Araujo, Innopolis University Russia

Joseph Alexander Brown, Innopolis University Russia

Alexandr Grichshenko, Innopolis University Russia

Bot Bowl III Competition

Bot Bowl III is the third AI competition in the board game Blood Bowl. The competition uses the Fantasy Football AI (FFAI) framework [1] that simulates the game with an API for scripted bots and machine learning algorithms in Python. Blood Bowl is a major challenge due to the complexity introduced by having multiple actions each turn. For more details on why we think Blood Bowl should be the next board game challenge for AI, check our CoG paper [2]. Watch state-of-the-art in this video showing the Bot Bowl II final series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qajXQhrBuV0.

[1] https://github.com/njustesen/ffai

[2] Blood Bowl: A new board game challenge and competition for AI. Niels Justesen, Lasse Møller Uth, Christopher Jakobsen, Peter David Moore, Julian Togelius, and Sebastian Risi. Conference on Games (CoG). IEEE, 2019.

  • Single track

Niels Justesen, Researcher at modl.ai

Sebastian Risi, Professor, IT University of Copenhagen, modl.ai

Julian Togelius, Associate Professor, New York University, modl.ai

Carle's Game Competition

CARLE is the name of the environment for Carle's Game, and stands for Cellular Automata Reinforcement Learning Environment. This environment is a cellular automata (CA) simulator with support for arbitrary "Game of Life"-like CA based on born/survive rules applied to cells' Moore neighborhoods. It's implemented in PyTorch and runs relatively fast, nearly 10,000 CA updates with vectorization on a run-of-the-mill laptop with just 4 threads.

Agents have the ability to toggle any and all cells in a 32x32 grid in the center of the default 64x64 universe. Although formulated as a reinforcement learning environment, the environment returns no nonzero reward or done signal; participants will be challenged to exploit the environments open-endedness and add constraints and exploratory reward functions to teach agents to be curious and creative.

Judging can consist of quantitative metrics such as duration of aperiodic dynamism after last toggling cells, and qualitative judging (people's choice/judging panel), and agents will be trained and tested on 4 to 8 CA rule sets with interesting characteristics. The final test round will incorporate rule sets not disclosed during training, making for a particularly strong challenge to participants.

  • Single track

Q. Tyrell Davis

ColorShapeLinks AI Competition

ColorShapeLinks is an AI competition for the Simplexity board game with arbitrary game dimensions. The first player to place n pieces of the same type in a row wins. In this regard, the base game, with a 6 x 7 board and n = 4, is similar to Connect Four. However, the type of piece is defined not only by color, but also by shape. Shape can be round or square. Round or white pieces offer the win to player 1, while square or red pieces do the same for player 2. Contrary to color, players start the game with pieces of both shapes. This means that a less observant player can lose in its turn, especially since shape has priority over color as a winning condition. Given this fact, as well as the arbitrary game dimensions, the challenges for the AI, namely at the level of the heuristic evaluation function, are multifold.

  1. The Base Track will be played using standard Simplexity rules (6x7 board, 4 pieces in a row for victory) and with a time limit of 0.2 seconds.
  2. The Unknown Track will be played under conditions that will only be revealed after the competition deadline. These conditions will be derived from the first EuroMillions draw that takes place after the deadline.

Nuno Fachada, HEI-Lab—Digital Human-Environment and Interactions Lab, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal

Dota 2 5v5 AI Competition

The Dota 2 5v5 AI Competition challenges participants to code a bot that beats the Dire (destroys the Dire’s Ancient) in the shortest time possible! The competition runs on the original Dota 2 game, thanks to the Dota 2 5v5 Framework, that let’s you develop, deploy, and run your own python program that controls the 5 heroes in the Radiant team, against the built-in AI.

Your bot will play as the Radiant. You can freely choose 5 among all the available 115 heroes for your team.

Your bot will face the built-in Dire AI in a standard Dota 2 5v5 match. The heroes in the Dire team will be randomly chosen among the remaining heroes.

The winner will be the fastest bot at destroying the Dire’s Ancient. The framework saves the time elapsed from the match start to the Ancient’s destruction event, which will determine the competition winner.

  • Single track

José Font, Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University (MAU), Sweden

Alberto Álvarez, Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University (MAU), Sweden

Fighting Game AI Competition

What are promising techniques to develop general fighting-game AIs whose performances are robust against a variety of settings and opponents? As the platform, Java-based FightingICE is used which also supports Python programming and development of visual-based deep learning AIs. Two leagues (Standard and Speedrunning) are associated to each of the three character types: Zen, Garnet, and Lud where the character data of the last two characters are not revealed. Standard League considers the winner of a round as the one with the hit point (HP) above zero at the time its opponent's HP has reached zero. In Speedrunning League, the league winner of a given character type is the AI with the shortest average time to beat our sample MCTS AI. The competition winner is decided considering both leagues' results based on the 2015 Formula-1 scoring system.

If the website link doesn't work change https to http for the URL address of this competition.

  • Single track

Ruck Thawonmas, Ritsumeikan University

General Strategy Game AI Competition

Following up on the idea of the General Video Game AI (GVGAI) competition, we propose the General Strategy Game AI competition as a new and interesting challenge. While the complexity of GVGAI games has been limited, strategy games feature search trees of exceptional breadth and depth. In comparison, to existing strategy game competitions, our competition will focus on the development of a single agent which is capable of playing multiple strategy games with varying characteristics. Those include but are not limited to, turn-based vs. real-time strategy games, completely observable vs. partial information games, and a varying set of units, levels, abilities and game-modes.

More information on the competition will be available at https://gaigresearch.github.io/afm/competition/

  • Single track

Alexander Dockhorn, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Diego Perez Liebana, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

General Video Game AI: Single-Player Learning Competition

The General Video Game AI (GVGAI) Learning Competition explores the problem of transferring and reusing the knowledge learnt on given levels of single-player games to play unseen levels without access to any forward model or explicit game rules. More about this competition can be found on the GVGAI website (https://www.gvgai.net/) and the competition webpage (https://www.aingames.cn). The participants are invited to submit their agent via the competition webpage. Detailed instructions for submission are given on the same webpage. The final rank and winners will be announced on the same webpage.

  • Single track

Hao Tong, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China

Tianye Shu, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China

Jialin Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China

Tactile Games Playtest Agent Competition

The Tactile Games Playtest Agent competition is based on the mobile puzzle game Lily's Garden - a match-3 style puzzle game where player must complete the levels within a given number of moves. The objective of this competition is to accurately predict the player completion rate of these puzzle levels. The main research contribution of the competition is not how to optimally plan and play games but rather how to create playtesting methods that are conditioned by aggregated player behaviour data across millions of players.

We provide a modified version of the game that enables simulating the main gameplay as well as data (completion rate, move limit) on the given levels. The participants are expected to create a playtesting agent which can match the player completion rate of a level. By using the number of moves spent by the agent to complete a given level across several attempts, the completion rate is then determined by calculating the fraction of attempts that finish within a given move limit. They are allowed to make use of the simulator and player data in any way they can otherwise.

Their method will be evaluated on a number of held-out levels which include both previous and new mechanics. The winner will be the one that achieves the lowest mean relative error in completion rate on the evaluation levels.

  • Single track

Jeppe Theiss Kristensen, IT University of Copenhagen / Tactile Games

Arturo Valdivia, Tactile Games

Ludii AI Competition

The Ludii AI Competition is a general game playing competition focussed on developing agents that can play a wide variety of board, dice and tile games. This competition will use Ludii, a recently developed general game system, to provide the necessary games and API. Games will be provided in the Ludii .lud game description format. The current version of Ludii includes over 500 games, with new games being added frequently. Submitted agents will play against all other competition entrants on a selected set of 20 games in a round-robin format. These games will not be named or provided to the agents beforehand. Agents will have a set amount of time, typically a few seconds, to make each move. Agents that fail to return a move, or return an illegal move, within this period will have a random move made for them. The agent that achieves the highest average win-rate across all games will win the competition.

  • Single track

Matthew Stephenson, Maastricht University

Eric Piette, Maastricht University

Dennis Soemers, Maastricht University

Cameron Browne, Maastricht University

microRTS Competition

Several AI competitions organized around RTS games have been organized in the past (such as the ORTS competitions, and the StarCraft AI competitions), which has spurred a new wave of research in to RTS AI. However, as it has been reported numerous times, developing bots for RTS games such as StarCraft involves a very large amount of engineering, which often relegates the research aspects of the competition to a second plane. The microRTS competition has been created to motivate research in the basic research questions underlying the development of AI for RTS games, while minimizing the amount of engineering required to participate. Also, a key difference with respect to the StarCraft competition is that the AIs have access to a "forward model" (i.e., a simulator), with which they can simulate the effect of actions or plans, thus allowing for planning and game-tree search techniques to be developed easily. This will be the fifth edition of the competition.

  1. Classic Track
  2. Partial Observability Track

Santiago Ontañón, Google Research

StarCraft AI Competition

IEEE CoG StarCraft competitions have seen quite some progress in the development and evolution of new StarCraft bots. For the evolution of the bots, participants used various approaches for making AI bots and it has fertilized game AI and methods such as HMM, Bayesian model, CBR, Potential fields, and reinforcement learning. However, it is still quite challenging to develop AI for the game because it should handle a number of units and buildings while considering resource management and high-level tactics. The purpose of this competition is developing RTS game AI and solving challenging issues on RTS game AI such as uncertainty, real-time process, managing units. Participants are submitting the bots using BWAPI to play 1v1 StarCraft matches.

  • Single Track

Kyung-Joong Kim, GIST, Korea

Cheong-Mok Bae, GIST, Korea

Strategy Card Games AI Competition

Legends of Code and Magic (LOCM) is a small implementation of a Strategy Card Game, designed to perform AI research. Its advantage over the real cardgame AI engines is that it is much simpler to handle by the agents, and thus allows testing more sophisticated algorithms and quickly implement theoretical ideas.

All cards effects are deterministic, thus the nondeterminism is introduced only by the ordering of cards and unknown opponent's deck. The game board consists of two lines (similarly as in TES:Legends), so it favors deeper strategic thinking. Also, LOCM is based on the fair arena mode, i.e., before every game, both players create their decks secretly from the symmetrical yet limited choices. Because of that, the deckbuilding is dynamic and cannot be simply reduced to using human-created top-meta decks.

This competition aims to play the same role for Hearthstone AI Competition as microRTS plays for various StarCraft AI contests. Encourage advanced research, free of drawbacks of working with the full-fledged game. In this domain, it means i.a. embedding deckbuilding into the game itself (limiting the usage of premade decks), and allowing efficient search beyond the one turn depth.

The contest is based on the LOCM 1.2, the same as in CEC 2019 Competition. One-lane, 1.0 version of the game, has been used for CodinGame contest in August 2018.

  • Single Track

Jakub Kowalski, Institute of Computer Science, University of Wrocław, Poland

Radosław Miernik, Institute of Computer Science, University of Wrocław, Poland

6th Angry Birds Level Generation

This year we will run our sixth Angry Birds Level Generation Competition. The goal of this competition is to build computer programs that can automatically create fun and challenging Angry Birds levels. The difficulty of this competition compared to similar competitions is that the generated levels must be stable under gravity, robust in the sense that a single action should not destroy large parts of the generated structure, and most importantly, the levels should be fun to play, visually interesting and challenging to solve. Participants will be able to ensure solvability and difficulty of their levels by using open source Angry Birds AI agents that were developed for the Angry Birds AI competition. This competition will evaluate each level generator based on the overall fun or enjoyment factor of the levels it creates. Aside from the main prize for “most enjoyable levels”, two additional prizes for “most aesthetic levels” and “most challenging levels” will also be awarded. This evaluation will be done by an impartial panel of judges. Restrictions will be placed on what objects can be used in the generated levels (in order to prevent pre-generation of levels). We will generate 100 levels for each submitted generator and randomly select a fraction of those for the competition. There will be a penalty if levels are too similar. Each entrant will be evaluated for all prizes. More details on the competition rules and can be found on the competition website aibirds.org. The competition will be based on the physics game implementation “Science Birds” by Lucas Ferreira using Unity3D.

If the website link doesn't work change https to http for the URL address of this competition.

  • Single Track

Jochen Renz, Australian National University

Matthew Stephenson, Maastricht University

Chathura Nagoda Gamage, Australian National University

Lucas Ferreira, UC Santa Cruz

Julian Togelius, New York University

Organising committee

General chairs

Paolo Burelli, IT University Of Copenhagen

Miguel Sicart, IT University Of Copenhagen

Program chairs

Rilla Khaled, Concordia University

Fotis Liarokapis, Cyprus University of Technology and CYENS

Julian Togelius, New York University

Local chairs

Djordje Grbic, IT University Of Copenhagen

Hanna Wirman, IT University Of Copenhagen

Tutorial chairs

Jesper Juul, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

Sebastian Risi, IT University Of Copenhagen

Keynote chairs

Mike Cook, Queen Mary University Of London

Georgios Yannakakis, University of Malta

Competition chairs

Ruck Thawonmas, Ritsumeikan University

Antonios Liapis, University Of Malta

Special session chairs

Simon Lucas, Queen Mary University Of London

Yun-Gyung Cheong, Sungkyunkwan University

Financial chair

Daniel Ashlock, University of Guelph

Proceedings chair

Mike Preuss, Leiden University

Industry chairs

Martin Pichlmair, IT University Of Copenhagen

Na'Tosha Bard, KMD

Publicity chairs

Mads Johansen, IT University Of Copenhagen

Miruna Vozaru, IT University Of Copenhagen

Digital platform chairs

Jeppe Kristensen, IT University Of Copenhagen

Track Chairs

AI for Playing Games

Jialin Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology

Ahmed Khalifa, New York University

Analytics, Player Modelling and Player Psychology

Rune Nielsen, IT University Of Copenhagen

Guenter Wallner, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Artificial Intelligence for Novel Game Interactions

Henrik Warpefelt, Södertörn University

Phil Lopes, Immersive Interaction Group, EPFL

Benchmarks and Competitions

Vanessa Volz, Modl.ai

Christoph Salge, University of Hertfordshire

Game Design

Danny Godin, University of Quebec

Game Human Computer Interaction

Elisa Mekler, Aalto University

Game Theory and Multi-agent Systems

Joseph Brown, Innopolis University

Narrative and Interactive Entertainment

Hartmut Koenitz, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht

Rebecca Rouse, University of Skovde

Procedural Content Generation and AI for Game Design

Gabriella Barros, Modl.ai

Adam Smith, UC Santa Cruz

Virtual and Augmented Reality in Games

Carlo Harvey, Birmingham City University

Spyros Vosinakis, University of the Aegean

Game Studies and Game Culture

Teresa de la Hera, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Applications of Games and Game Technology

Eike Anderson, Bournemouth University

Beatriz Sousa Santos, Universidade de Aveiro

For more information, you can check us on Twitter @ieee_cog or write an e-mail at cog2021@itu.dk

Previous editions



Become a Sponsor

We are looking for sponsors that help us build a strong conference and community for research in games. Most of the attendees and participants of game events benefit from tailored career opportunities presented at the conferences. We intend to support the young professionals to such career opportunities at IEEE CoG.

IEEE CoG provides a unique platform for industrial sponsors to present themselves to potential employees in the area of games with expertise in AI, Computational Intelligence, Design and Games Technology. Our participants’ expertise goes even beyond a developer‘s profession. We have the following statistics from previous IEEE CIS conferences:

By sponsoring you will be helping us organize the best possible conference and experience for professionals, researchers, speakers, guests and delegates.

What’s in it for a sponsor? It will give you access and positive branding for:

The following are the sponsorship options we offer, although we are open to consider other suggestions:
Silver (€500) Mention in welcome talks and logo on website, badges and conference program.
Gold (€700) Mention in welcome talks and logo on website, badges and conference program.
+ Half-page color advertisement in the conference program.
+ One fee waiver for the whole conference.
Platinum (€1500) Mention in welcome talks and logo on website, badges and conference program.
+ One full-page color advertisement in the conference program.
+ A sponsored presentation slot (20 minutes).
+ Three fee waiver for the whole conference.

Please write an e-mail at cog2021@itu.dk for more info.

Conference Registration

Due to the on-line nature of the conference, this year we will have the options for attendees that do not have a presentation of the conference to register for a reduced price.

The early registration and speaker registration deadline is on July 5th.

Fee Types
IEEE Member Speaker 500 DKK
Non IEEE Member Speaker 1000 DKK
Student Speaker 100 DKK
Attendee (Early Registration) 100 DKK
Attendee 300 DKK

You can register for the conference at https://billetto.dk/en/e/2021-ieee-conference-on-games-tickets-537258.

Please, first observe the following points:

IEEE Ethics Reporting