Call for Special Session Proposals
The deadline for this call has already passed
A special session addresses a topic area within games research and is intended to bring together researchers working on a topic to provide an excellent session on that topic at the conference on games. Please read the call for papers for CoG 2019 to determine if your proposed topic is one we are able to accept.
A special session proposal should not be more than two pages, not including the brief biographies of the proposers and the draft call for papers.
Please, include the following information with your proposal:
- Title - the title of the proposal
- Description - a description of the topic of the session and its place in games research.
- Example topics – a bullet list of topics that the session might cover.
- Justification – a brief explanation making the case that the special session belongs in the conference. An estimate of the number of submissions should be included.
- Sponsors – a list of researchers proposing the session. At least one must be an IEEE member and all sponsors are expected to serve as reviewers for the papers in the special session. If your session is accepted, you must also provide a list of reviewers sufficient to your expected submissions.
- Sponsor Biographies – each sponsor should include a brief biography that demonstrates professional excellence and qualification to review for the special session. The bio should include a current e-mail address.
- Draft Call for Papers – on its own page, a draft call for papers to be used in advertising the special session. The draft call for papers should not fill more than one page.
Proposals should be sent to Daniel Ashlock ( in PDF format and will be approved on a rolling bases (submit now!), reviewed promptly, and placed on the conference web site, in part to prevent duplicate submissions. If someone has beaten you to the punch, contact them and offer to serve as a member of their review panel.