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IEEE CoG 2019 Proceedings
The CoG 2019 proceedings are available on IEEE Xplore . If you or your institution has access to IEEE Xplore, you can download papers from there where other useful information is also available, such as authors' details and their list of IEEE publications; otherwise please find the list of CoG 2019 papers below.
AI for Playing Games
Regular papers
Comprehensible Context-driven Text Game Playing , Xusen Yin and Jonathan May
Re-determinizing MCTS in Hanabi , James Goodman
Enhancing Rolling Horizon Evolution with Policy and Value Networks , Xin Tong, Weiming Liu and Bin Li
A Reinforcement Learning Approach To Synthesizing Climbing Movements , Kourosh Naderi, Amin Babadi, Shaghayegh Roohi and Perttu Hämäläinen
Desirable Behaviors for Companion Bots in First-Person Shooters , Adina Friedman and Jacob Schrum
Using Restart Heuristics to Improve Agent Performance in Angry Birds , Tommy Liu, Jochen Renz, Peng Zhang and Matthew Stephenson
A Fighting Game AI Using Highlight Cues for Generation of Entertaining Gameplay , Ryota Ishii, Suguru Ito, Ruck Thawonmas and Tomohiro Harada
Robust Continuous Build-Order Optimization in StarCraft , David Churchill, Michael Buro and Richard Kelly
Deep Reinforcement Learning to train agents to survive in a multiplayer First Person Shooter: some preliminary results , Daniele Piergigli, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Dario Maggiorini and Davide Gadia
Learning Policies from Self-Play with Policy Gradients and MCTS Value Estimates , Dennis Soemers, Eric Piette, Matthew Stephenson and Cameron Browne
Ensemble Decision Systems for General Video Game Playing , Damien Anderson, Cristina Guerrero-Romero, Diego Perez-Liebana, Philip Rodgers and John Levine
Solving Strong and Weak 4-in-a-Row , Jos Uiterwijk
Beating Uncertainty in Racing Bot Evolution through Enhanced Exploration and Pole Position Selection , Salem Mohammed, Antonio Mora and Jj Merelo
Policy Based Inference in Trick-Taking Card Games , Douglas Rebstock, Chris Solinas, Michael Buro and Nathan R. Sturtevant
A Local Approach to Forward Model Learning: Results on the Game of Life Game , Alexander Dockhorn, Vanessa Volz, Simon M. Lucas, Chris Bamford, Ivan Bravi, Raluca D. Gaina, Diego Perez-Liebana, Sanaz Mostaghim and Rudolf Kruse
Random Search-Control Parameters in Monte-Carlo Tree Search , Random Search-Control Parameters in Monte-Carlo Tree Search
GBDT, LR & Deep Learning for Turn-based fighting game AI , Like Zhang, Hui Pan, Qi Fan, Changqing Ai and Yanqing Jing
Ordinal Bucketing for Game Trees using Dynamic Quantile Approximation , Tobias Joppen, Tilman Strübig and Johannes Fürnkranz
General Board Game Playing for Education and Research in Generic AI Game Learning , Wolfgang Konen
Action Spaces in Deep Reinforcement Learning to Mimic Human Input Devices , Marco Pleines, Frank Zimmer and Vincent-Pierre Berges
Combining “experience replay” with “exploration by random network distillation” , Francesco Sovrano
Neuroevolution Strategies for Word Embedding Adaptation in Text Adventure Games , Vivan Raaj Rajalingam and Spyridon Samothrakis
Evaluating the Complexity of Players Strategies using MCTS Iterations , Pier Luca Lanzi
Application of Retrograde Analysis on Fighting Games , Kristen Yu and Nathan Sturtevant
Learning Policies from Human Data for Skat , Douglas Rebstock, Christopher Solinas and Michael Buro
Automated Playtesting of Matching Tile Games , Luvneesh Mugrai, Fernando De Mesentier Silva and Julian Togelius
Teaching on a Budget in Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning , Ercüment İlhan, Diego Perez-Liebana and Jeremy Gow
Rogue-Gym: A New Challenge for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning , Yuji Kanagawa and Tomoyuki Kaneko
Competition papers
Blood Bowl: A New Board Game Challenge and Competition for AI , Niels Justesen, Lasse Uth, Christopher Jakobsen, Peter Moore, Julian Togelius and Sebastian Risi
The 2018 Hanabi Competition , Joseph Walton-Rivers, Piers Williams and Richard Bartle
Enhancing Monte Carlo Tree Search for Playing Hearthstone , Jean Seong Bjorn Choe and Jong-Kook Kim
Evolving Game State Evaluation Functions for a Hybrid Planning Approach , Xenija Neufeld, Sanaz Mostaghim and Diego Perez-Liebana
Short papers
Object-Oriented State Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning for Video Games , Yu Chen, Huizhuo Yuan and Yujun Li
Macro and Micro Reinforcement Learning for Playing Nine-ball Pool , Yu Chen and Yujun Li
A Self-Play Policy Optimization Approach to Battling , Dan Huang and Scott Lee
Win or Learn Fast Proximal Policy Optimisation , Dino Stephen Ratcliffe, Katja Hofmann and Sam Devlin
An Empirical Evaluation of Two General Game Systems: Ludii and RBG , Eric Piette, Matthew Stephenson, Dennis J. N. J. Soemers and Cameron Browne
Ludii and XCSP: Playing and Solving Logic Puzzles , Cédric Piette, Eric Piette, Matthew Stephenson, Dennis J. N. J. Soemers and Cameron Browne
Learning Local Forward Models on Unforgiving Games , Alexander Dockhorn, Simon Lucas, Vanessa Volz, Ivan Bravi, Raluca Gaina and Diego Perez Liebana
Creating an Affective Fighting Game AI System with Gamygdala , Kaori Yuda, Maxim Mozgovoy and Anna Danielewicz-Betz
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Match-3 Game , Ildar Kamaldinov and Ilya Makarov
A Hybrid Reinforcement Learning Approach for MARLÖ Challenge , Linjie Xu and Yihong Chen
Modified PPO-RND Method for Solving Sparse Reward Problem in ViZDoom , Jia-Chi Chen and Tao-Hsing Chang
Optimal Use of Experience in First Person Shooter Games , Matthew Aitchison
Multi-Agent non-Overlapping Pathfinding with Monte-Carlo Tree Search , Mohammad Sina Kiarostami, Mohammad Reza Daneshvaramoli, Saleh Khalaj Monfared, Kamyar Givaki, Dara Rahmati and Saeid Gorgin
Vision papers
Demo papers
Analytics and Player Modelling
Regular papers
Your Gameplay Says it All: Modelling Motivation in Tom Clancy's The Division , David Melhart, Ahmad Azadvar, Alessandro Canossa, Antonios Liapis and Georgios N. Yannakakis
Combining Sequential and Aggregated Data for Churn Prediction inCasual Freemium Games , Jeppe Theiss Kristensen and Paolo Burelli
Predicting the monetization percentage with survival analysis in free-to-play games , Riikka Numminen, Markus Viljanen and Tapio Pahikkala
Scaling up CCG-Based Plan Recognition via Monte-Carlo Tree Search , Pavan Kantharaju, Santiago Ontañón and Christopher Geib
Unconventional Exchange: Methods for Statistical Analysis of Virtual Goods , Oliver Scholten, James Walker, Kenneth Hawick and Peter Cowling
Personality and Behavior in Role-based Online Games , Zhao Wang, Anna Sapienza, Aron Culotta and Emilio Ferrara
An Experiment on Game Facet Combination , Raphael Patrick Prager, Laura Troost, Simeon Brüggenjürgen, David Melhart, Georgios N. Yannakakis and Mike Preuss
Weekly Seasonal Player Population Patterns in Online Games: A Time Series Clustering Approach , Dulakshi Vihanga, Michael Barlow, Erandi Lakshika and Kathryn Kasmarik
Identifying Cognitive Load in a Computer Game: An exploratory Study , Allan Fowler, Alessandro Canossa and Keith Nesbitt
Mining Player In-game Time Spending Regularity for Churn Prediction in Free Online Games , Wanshan Yang, Ting Huang, Junlin Zeng, Gemeng Yang, Jintian Cai, Lijun Chen, Shivakant Mishra and Youjian Eugene Liu
Tweeting your Destiny: Profiling Users in the Twitter Landscape around an Online Game , Guenter Wallner, Simone Kriglstein and Anders Drachen
Modelling Early User-Game Interactions for Joint Estimation of Survival Time and Churn Probability , Valerio Bonometti, Charles Ringer, Alex Wade and Anders Drachen
Using Active Probing by a Game Management AI to Faster Classify Players , Arkady Eidelberg, Christian Jacob and Jorg Denzinger
Short papers
Vision papers
Benchmarks and Competitions
Regular papers
Competition papers
Short papers
Vision papers
Game Design
Regular papers
The Newborn World: Guiding Creativity in a Competitive Storytelling Game , Antonios Liapis
Understanding the Effects of Gamification and Juiciness on Players , Kieran Hicks, Kathrin Maria Gerling, Graham Richardson, Tom Pike, Oliver Burman and Patrick Dickinson
Not So Different Games: An exploration of five years of student game designers , Zoe Wood and Enrica Costello
An Analysis of Peer Presence Social Group Dynamics to Enhance Player Engagement in Multiplayer Games , Mitchell Miller, Noah Paige, Guraik Claire and Christian Eckhardt
Mek: Mechanics Prototyping Tool for 2D Tile-Based Turn-Based Deterministic Games , Rokas Volkovas, Michael Fairbank, John Woodward and Simon Lucas
Level Design Patterns in 2D Games , Ahmed Khalifa, Fernando de Mesentier Silva and Julian Togelius
Short papers
The Design Of A Clicker Game for Text Labelling , Chris Madge, Richard Bartle, Jon Chamberlain, Udo Kruschwitz and Massimo Poesio
Relax, It’s a Game: Utilising Gamification in Learning Agile Scrum Development using Trello , Nitin Naik and Paul Jenkins
Towards Cheap Scalable Browser Multiplayer , Yousef Amar, Gareth Tyson, Gianni Antichi and Lucio Marcenaro
The Games Fusion Project: Competencies for Game Design , Karen Shoop, Chris Lowthorpe, Larra Anderson and Simon Lucas
Vision papers
Demo papers
Game Interfaces and User Interaction
Regular papers
Short papers
Game Theory and Multi-agent Systems
Regular papers
Monte Carlo Strategies for Exploiting Fairness in N-player Ultimatum Games , Garrison Greenwood and Daniel Ashlock
A Generalized Framework for Self-Play Training , Daniel Hernandez, Kevin Denamganai, Yuan Gao, Peter York, Sam Devlin, Spyridon Samothrakis and James Walker
Learning to Select Mates in Evolving Non-playable Characters , Dylan Ashley, Valliappa Chockalingam, Braedy Kuzma and Vadim Bulitko
Evolution of Kiting Behavior in a Two Player Combat Problem , Pavlos Androulakakis and Zachariah Fuchs
Using Simple Games to Evaluate Self-Organization Concepts: a Whack-a-mole Case Study , Nick Nygren and Joerg Denzinger
Prisoner's Dilemma Agents with Phenotypic Plasticity , Daniel Ashlock, Amanda Saunders and Eunyoun Kim
Parallel Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation , Andrzej Nagórko
Short papers
Graphics and Animation
Short papers
Narrative and Interactive Entertainment
Regular papers
Short papers
PCG and AI for Game Design
Regular papers
Mysterious Murder - MCTS-driven Murder Mystery Generation , Corinna Jaschek, Tom Beckmann, Jaime Garcia and William Raffe
Level Graph – Incremental Procedural Generation of Indoor Levels using Minimum Spanning Trees , Bartosz von Rymon Lipinski, Simon Seibt, Johannes Roth and Dominik Abé
Automatic Generation of Level Maps with the Do What's Possible Representation , Daniel Ashlock and Christoph Salge
Hyperstate Space Graphs For Automated Game Analysis , Michael Cook and Azalea Raad
General Analytical Techniques For Parameter-Based Procedural Content Generators , Michael Cook, Simon Colton, Jeremy Gow and Gillian Smith
Fusing Level and Ruleset Features for Multimodal Learning of Gameplay Outcomes , Antonios Liapis, Daniel Karavolos, Konstantinos Makantasis, Konstantinos Sfikas and Georgios N. Yannakakis
Empowering Quality Diversity in Dungeon Design with Interactive Constrained MAP-Elites , Alberto Alvarez, Steve Dahlskog, Jose Font and Julian Togelius
Reveal-More: Amplifying Human Effort in Quality Assurance Testing Using Automated Exploration , Kenneth Chang, Batu Aytemiz and Adam M. Smith
Learning a Resource Scale for Collectible Card Games , Gianlucca Zuin and Adriano Veloso
On the Effects of Simulating Human Decisions in Game Analysis , Vanessa Volz and Boris Naujoks
Evolving the Hearthstone Meta , Fernando De Mesentier Silva, Rodrigo Canaan, Scott Lee, Julian Togelius and Amy K. Hoover
Taksim: A Constrained Graph Partitioning Framework for Procedural Content Generation , Ahmed Abuzuraiq, Arron Ferguson and Philippe Pasquier
Automatic Generation of Diverse Cavern Maps with Morphing Cellular Automata , Matthew Kreitzer, Daniel Ashlock and Rajesh Pereira
Pitako - Recommending Game Design Elements in Cicero , Tiago Machado, Dan Gopstein, Andy Nealen and Julian Togelius
Procedural Progression Model for Smash Time , João Catarino and Carlos Martinho
Procedural Generation using Spatial GANs for Region-Specific Learning of Elevation Data , Ryan Spick, Peter Cowling and James Alfred Walker
Heuristics for Placing the Spawn Points in Multiplayer First Person Shooters , Marco Ballabio and Daniele Loiacono
Generating Stages in Turn-Based RPG using Reinforcement Learning , Nam Sang Gyu and Kokolo Ikeda
Searching the Latent Space of a Generative Adversarial Network to Generate DOOM Levels , Edoardo Giacomello, Pier Luca Lanzi and Daniele Loiacono
Monster Carlo 2: Integrating Learning and TreeSearch for Machine Playtesting , Oleksandra Keehl and Adam M. Smith
Competition papers
Short papers
Automatic Generation of Game Content using a Non-Grid Wave Function Collapse Algorithm , Hwanhee Kim, Seongtaek Lee, Hyundong Lee, Teasung Hahn and Shinjin Kang
PlayMapper: Illuminating Design Spaces of Platform Games , Vivek Warriar, Carmen Ugarte, John Woodward and Laurissa Tokarchuk
A Functional Taxonomy of Logic Puzzles , Lianne Hufkens and Cameron Browne
Autoencoder and Evolutionary Algorithm for Level Generation in Lode Runner , Sarjak Pankaj Thakkar, Changxing Cao, Lifan Wang, Taejong Choi and Juilian Togelius
Deep Variational Autoencoders for NPC Behaviour Classification , Everton Schumacker Soares and Vadim Bulitko
ELIMINATION from Design to Analysis , Ahmed Khalifa, Daniel Gopstein and Julian Togelius
Towards Procedurally Generated Languages for Non-playable Characters in Video Games , Joshua Sirota, Vadim Bulitko, Matthew Brown and Sergio Poo
Vision papers
Demo papers
Serious Games Technology
Regular papers
Group Interactions Manager for Multiplayer sErious games , Samuel Gomes, Joao Dias and Carlos Martinho
Portability of Serious Game Software Components , Wim van der Vegt, Wim Westera and Hub Kurvers
Exploring motor behaviours in bimanual interactive games , Nuria Pena Perez, Laurissa Tokarchuk, Etienne Burdet and Ildar Farkhatdinov
Serious Games’Eco-driving Profiling , Rana Massoud, Francesco Bellotti, Stefan Poslad, Riccardo Berta and Alessandro De Gloria
An Approach Towards Designing Problem Networks in Serious Games , Abhishek Parakh, Parvathi Chundi and Mahadevan Subramaniam
Generating Educational Game Levels with Multistep Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network , Kyungjin Park, Bradford W. Mott, Wookhee Min, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric N. Wiebe and James C. Lester
Learning Analytics Should Analyse the Learning: Proposing a Generic Stealth Assessment Tool , Konstantinos Georgiadis, Giel van Lankveld, Kiavash Bahreini and Wim Westera
Motion Gaming AI using Time Series Forecasting and Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment for Improving Exercise Balance and Enjoyment , Takahiro Kusano, Yunshi Liu, Pujana Paliyawan, Ruck Thawonmas and Tomohiro Harada
Blockchain Games: A Survey , Tian Min, Hanyi Wang, Yaoze Guo and Wei Cai
Short papers
Demo papers
Sound and Music
Regular papers
Special Session 1: Matchmaking in Games
Regular papers
Special Session 2: Esports Research: Challenges, Advances and Opportunities
Regular papers
Short papers
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Regular papers